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Our Mission
Blackstone Editions, founded in 2002, is a small publishing company specializing in liberal religious history.
We publish original works of scholarship as well as new, high-quality, affordable editions of historically significant texts.
Reformation historian Roland H. Bainton called them "the Free Spirits." Neither Lutheran nor Reformed nor Anabaptist, the liberal wing of the Radical Reformation was characterized by belief in the power of reason and a mystical sense of union with the Divine. Our Reformation Collection highlights these independent thinkers.
Adin Ballou (1803-1890) was a pioneering theorist of nonviolence, a Christian socialist, and a social reformer.
The Hopedale Collection consists of books by and about Adin Ballou
and the utopian community he founded at Hopedale, Massachusetts.
These books, some published in association with the Unitarian Universalist Historical Society, trace the development of Unitarianism and Universalism in America and around the world.